• City Gallery of Contemporary Art



Kindergartens, At school:

Franta, Pencil, Mančuška

  1. PLATO at school

For children aged 5 and up, or by arrangement

20 CZK / child, pedagogical accompaniment free of charge

Programmes outside Ostrava 30 CZK / child

60 mins (time can be modified to suit each particular group)



+420 727 952 712
+420 737 855 798


What’s the difference between a drawing and a painting? How does drawing become action? Drawing with obstacles, outside the paper area, and other funny techniques of contemporary artists.

Franta, throw! Do you know the game called “line”? How does drawing become action and fun? We will find out with the help of the works by contemporary artists such as David Böhm, Jiří Franta and Ján Mančuška. We will build obstacles the overcoming of which will shift our experience – from area to space, from space to the unknown.

Follow-up to the Framework Curriculum:

Educational areas: child and his body, child and his psyche, child and society

Key competences: Learning competence, Problem-solving competence, Communicative competence, Social and personal competence, Activity and citizenship